资产 Assets
资产是一个公司所拥有的一切。这可能包括汽车、金钱、建筑物和机器。它还包括其他公司欠该公司的钱。考虑资产的一个好方法是,资产必须具有正价值 a positive value 。
The firm had assets worth approximately £750,000.
负债 Liabilities
The firm’s liabilities needed to be paid as soon as possible.
资产负债表(又称财务状况表) A Balance Sheet
会计英语专业词汇资产负债表 A Balance Sheet是一份财务报表,它列出了一家公司在某一天的所有资产和所有负债,这一天通常是12月31日。它就像一张照片,因为它是在一个时间的某一刻。
大多数公司的总资产将大于总负债。在这种情况下,公司是 solvent 有偿付能力的。但是,如果负债大于资产(这显然是一个不好的情况!)那么公司就破产了 insolvent 。
The company had assets of £250,000 and liabilities of £150,000 so therefore it was solvent and the balance sheet had a net worth of £100,000.
小心使用“own”和“owe”这两个词。它们看起来和听起来很相似,但却有着非常不同的含义。To own意味着拥有** possession** 财产,而 **to owe **则意味着你需要 pay or give something back 偿还或者归还给另一个人或者公司
损益表(亦称损益表) Income Statement (also known as a Profit and Loss Account)
如果销售额大于成本,那么公司就是在a profit (it is profitable)。但如果成本大于销售额,那么公司就是在 loss (it is loss making or unprofitable).
这里有一些额外的同义词。盈利的另一个词是 surplus 盈余,亏损的另一个词是 deficit 赤字。成本的另一种说法是费用 an expense。
The Income Statement for the company for the year showed sales of £500,000 and costs of £200,000 and so the company recorded a healthy profit of £300,000.
财务报表(又称年度帐目) Financial Statements (also known as Annual Accounts)
到目前为止,我们已经看到了两份财务报表: 资产负债表和损益表。还有其他几个。许多公司必须编制年度报告 Annual Report 和现金流量表Statement of Cashflows。
The firm published its Financial Statements yesterday and the amount of profit made headlines in the newspapers.
复式记账 Double Entry
复式记帐是全世界使用的会计制度。它是几个世纪前发明的会计英语专业词汇,记录每笔交易两次(作为借方和贷方,我们将在下面讨论)。这样,所有的业务记录都是准确的。用来表达这种准确性的动词是平衡 to balance 。当某事被记录在记录中时,它被称为条目 an entry。
在复式记账系统中,每笔交易必须是下列交易之一: 资产、负债、销售或费用(成本)。
There are records still in existence which show that Double Entry was used by traders in the 11th Century in Italy.
复式记账法通过使用一种叫做会计等式 Accounting Equation 的东西来平衡财务记录。这表现为: 资产 = 负债 + 所有者份额
借贷 Debit and Credit
这些通常以较短的形式显示,如 dr 和 Cr。它们是复式记账法中使用的两面。借记卡显示在左边,显示资产和费用。信用卡出现在右边,显示负债和销售。
The debits didn’t add up to the same as the credits and therefore the financial records did not balance (see 41. below). They had to check every entry to find where the mistake was!
簿记 Bookkeeping
The company had several bookkeepers, each one looking after a different department. They all reported to the Accountant and his boss was the Finance Director.
给你一个有趣的事实。Bookkeeper 和 bookkeeping 是英语中仅有的三个连续双字母的单词: “ oo-kk-ee”
固定资产(也称非流动资产) Fixed Assets (also known as Non-Current Assets)
The company had made a big investment in its fixed assets by buying many new machines in the year.
资本支出 Capital Expenditure
The business was planning to invest a lot of money in new Fixed Assets. This was a huge Capital Expenditure programme.
Freehold Premises
Freehold Premises 指由公司拥有的建筑物(或多幢建筑物)。这是一个奇怪的术语,但基本上“Freehold”的意思是公司永远拥有这个地产。如果它只是有权在那里呆上几年,那么这就是所谓的租赁权 Leasehold 。
Premises 是指企业使用的建筑物和土地。
The Freehold Premises used by the company was made up of 3 buildings and a large plot of land. It also had several Leasehold Premises which it was allowed to occupy for another 15 years.
厂房和设备 Plant and Equipment
厂房和设备基本上是指公司拥有的机器(或机械)。Plant 在英语中有许多意思(见下文) ,但在这里它的意思是大而重的机器。另一方面,设备可以相当小和轻。
In the factory was a lot of heavy Plant and Equipment which was used to make steel and some other metals.
在英语中,Plant 有几种意思,既是名词又是动词。这里有一些名词的意思是除了上面的意思之外,
- A plant can be a small tree, shrub, grass or fern growing in the ground
- A plant is another word for a factory (usually with big machines)
- A plant can be a person placed in a group as a spy or informer
装置和配件 Fixtures and Fittings
*When the building was sold, it was agreed that the price would not include any fixtures and fittings. So, the owner was able to remove all the pictures, mirrors, washing machine and dishwasher. *
流动资产 Current Assets
流动资产是公司拥有的具有价值,但存在时间较短的资产。一个很好的例子是银行的现金 Cash at Bank,但是还有其他几个例子,我们将在这之后看到。
The bookkeeper had to decide whether this particular asset was a Fixed Asset or a* Current Asset*.
Current 有不止一个含义。除了上述的含义外,我们还有:
- Water (in the sea or river) or air moving in a particular direction
- A flow of electricity
但是不要和 ‘a currant’ 搞混了, 是一种小的葡萄干,像葡萄干
应收帐款是客户欠企业的钱。显然,这些是一种流动资产。当顾客从一家公司购买东西,但一段时间内没有付款,那么该公司就拥有一项资产,即该公司将在约定的日期从顾客那里收回的债务 the debt。
簿记员将所有的应收帐款记录在一本名为《销售分类账》的书中(实际上通常是在电脑上) ,这本书叫《应收帐款》Accounts Receivable Ledger。因此,分类账是一个会计术语,指的是记录会计分录的账簿(见38。以下)。
应收帐款的名单可能会显示每笔债务的年龄 Aged Report,这就是所谓的账龄报告。
The company was worried about its Aged Receivables Report as many of the debts were very old and would possibly not be paid.
库存(又称库存) Inventory (also known as Stock)
公司需要控制他们的库存,这样他们才能确切地知道他们在任何时候有什么库存。所以,当他们清点一切的时候,他们有一个定期的“盘点” stocktake 。
All staff need to attend the company stocktake on Saturday morning when all inventory will be counted and valued. It will start at 9am, sharp! Do not be late.
预付款 Prepayments
预付款是指一家公司为某项服务支付了费用,但暂时没有使用。因为它不使用它,所以它保持它的价值,所以它是一个流动资产。这和你买一张预付费手机 sim 卡很相似。公司的一个很好的例子是: 出租财产。租金总是提前3个月支付(以支付未来3个月的费用)。因此,当一家公司支付租金时,它就预先支付了已支付的金额。
The bookkeeper listed all of the prepayments; these included Rent, Telephone and Insurance costs, all of which had been paid in advance.
流动负债 Current Liabilities
流动负债是指公司须在下一年度内支付的款项。一个例子就是明年的银行贷款付款 Bank Loan。下面我们将看到其他几个例子。
我们已经研究过 current 的含义(见上文14)。
The bookkeeper added up all of the Current Liabilities and it was good that they totalled less than the total of Current Assets. Therefore, the company had Net Current Assets, so the position was healthy.
在会计中,当你把一个数字从另一个数字中扣除时,你就把结果叫做“净Net ”。这就是为什么我们有净流动资产,净利润,等等。
应付帐款债权人(也称应付款、债权人或贸易债权人) Accounts Payable (also known as Payables, Creditors or Trade Creditors)
应付帐款是企业欠供应商 suppliers的钱。如果公司当时不支付这些货物,那么它就欠供应商的钱,这些债务被称为应付帐款 Accounts Payable。公司将在未来约定的时间偿还这笔债务。
簿记员将所有这些应付款记入应付帐款分类账 Accounts Payable Ledger(或贸易债权人分类账)。以下) ,并且,就像应收帐款一样,会有一份过期报告。
The company’s Aged Payables report showed that the company took a long time to pay its Trade Creditors.
当一家公司偿还债务时,动词是“结算”。因此,一家公司偿还债务 settles its debts.
银行透支 Bank Overdraft
银行透支是指公司的银行账户存款为负数。通常情况下,这是事先与银行商定的,并有一个金额限制,该公司可以透支 go overdrawn。这个透支额是流动负债 a Current Liability。这个限额被称为透支额度 Overdraft Facility。
We have just had a meeting with our bank manager and he has given us a bigger overdraft facility.
有时透支会保持在同一水平。不过有些公司的商业活动水平,上下波动很大。这可能受季节或天气的影响。冰淇淋店就是一个很好的例子。它夏天卖很多冰淇淋,但冬天卖得不多。这被称为季节性 seasonality。 如果一个公司有很多的季节性,那么它的透支很可能会上升和下降很多。这些变化被称为银行账户的“波动 swings”
应计项目 Accruals
We are not sure what our electricity bill is going to be for December, so we have made an accrual of £4,750 which we think will be quite accurate, based on experience.
销售(也称营业额或收入)Sales (also known as turnover or revenue)
所有的收益表都是从销售额开始。从标题可以看出,对于销售有3个同样使用的词,当然是: 顾客向企业支付的钱,以换取提供的商品或服务(或“提供的服务”)。
Our turnover for the month of May is 10% higher than it was for May of last year. It’s great that sales are going so well.
有时候你会看到用不同的会计英语专业词汇来表示一个企业的销售额/营业额。这是当它是一个专门的业务,如保险公司或旅行社。这些公司的销售额通常被称为佣金收入Commissions Received.
销售成本(也称为商品销售成本)Cost of Sales (also known as Cost of Goods Sold)
“销售成本”表示企业所销售的所有产品(或提供的服务)的成本。如果一个企业是在工厂生产(制造)产品,那么销售成本中的主要项目通常称为会计英语专业词汇-原材料Raw Materials。
*Our Cost of Sales is going up because the wood we buy (our *raw materials) is going up in price.
购买 Purchases
如果一个企业购买的东西只是出售(而不是制造或生产任何东西) ,那么销售成本中的主要项目通常被称为购买。有时这些被称为货物购买 Goods Purchased。一件商品(或货物)就是购买的东西。
In our Income Statement, the two main items in our Cost of Sales arePurchases and Wages of our factory staff.
毛利 Gross Profit
*Our Revenue for this year has been $250,000 and our Cost of Goods Sold was $175,000. Therefore, our **Gross Profit *was $75,000.
利润是指销售额大于成本。每个企业都想获得利润。亏损是指成本大于销售额的情况(这是一个很糟糕的情况!).盈利的另一个会计英语专业词汇是盈余 Surplus ,亏损的另一个会计英语专业词汇是赤字 Deficit。
间接费用(又称开支) Overheads (Also known as Expenses)
管理费(或开支)是经营企业的额外成本。管理费用的例子有很多,但这里有一些: 汽车费用、租金、保险、电费、应付银行利息、行政工资。
Every business needs to control its overheads and keep them as low as possible.
薪资成本 Payroll Costs
薪水册是支付给员工的工资和薪水 Wages and Salarie s的另一个会计英语专业词汇。大多数工资成本包括在间接费用中。有时企业将工资成本分为直接工资 Direct Payroll和间接工资 Indirect Payroll。直接工资与实际的生产过程(即工厂)有关,而间接工资与管理有关。
*Our **payroll costs *will go up next year because we are employing an extra 10 direct staff and another 4 indirect staff.
会计英语专业词汇工资和薪水是有区别的。工资取决于工作多少小时或多少天。薪水是一个固定的、商定的数字(几乎总是每年) ,一个人是由公司支付。
折旧 Depreciation
We’ve just bought a new machine for the factory and we think that it will have a useful life of at least 10 years, so let’s depreciate it at 10% per annum.
有时候你会在收益表中看到摊销 Amortisation 是一种管理费用。摊销的概念与折旧 depreciation 完全相同,只不过它是用于你无法实际接触的资产。这方面的一个会计英语专业词汇是专利 patent 或商誉 goodwill。这些你无法实际接触的资产被称为无形资产 Intangible Assets。
坏账 Bad Debts
坏账是顾客不支付账单时产生的管理费用。这通常是因为客户有财务困难,或者因为它资不抵债(见3。以上)。无力偿债的企业往往会倒闭,这有时被称为会计英语专业词汇中“进入清算状态 going into liquidation”或“进入破产状态 going bankrupt”。
Two of our customers have gone into liquidation so we’ll suffer bad debts this year of at least £20,000.
有一个通俗(非正式)的会计英语专业词汇,经常用于清算或破产,这是’去破产 go bust’。例如:That nice shop in town that sells those lovely cakes has closed because it has gone bust. It’s such a shame.
坏账 Doubtful Debts
*Last year 3% of our customers didn’t pay us, so let’s agree that this year we will estimate that our **Doubtful Debts *will be the same as last year.
当企业估计(或猜测)未来的数字时,这就是所谓的 making a provision。例如 Let’s make a provision for Doubtful debts that 3% of our customers won’t pay this year.
净利润 Net Profit
Our Revenue for this year has been $250,000 and our Cost of Goods Sold was $175,000. Therefore, our Gross Profit was $75,000. And our Overheads were $50,000, so our Net Profit was $25,000.
会计 Accountant
*Job Advertisement. ‘Wanted. **Accountant *needed to prepare Monthly Management Accounts and Annual Accounts as well as other reports for the Directors. We offer a very competitive (good) salary.
审计师 Auditor
The auditor found that our firm’s accounts were in order.
“真实和公平 True and Fair ”这个会计英语专业词汇从来没有在法律中定义过,但是它们已经被审计行业使用了近100年了
会计期间 Accounting Period
会计期间是企业编制财务报表(年度账目)的时期(几乎总是一年)。以上)。许多公司把12月31日作为年终日 Year End。在英国,公司可以选择任何一年作为其会计期间,但在许多国家,12月31日(the Calendar Year)是法律。
We are just coming up to the end of Accounting Period, so we’ll need to arrange our Stocktake (see 16. above).
股东 Shareholder
股东是公司股份的所有者。一家公司可以有一个或多个股东。因此,股东拥有公司。如果股票在证券交易所买卖,那么它将是一家上市公司(PLC 上市有限公司) ,但几乎所有的小公司都是会计英语专业词汇私营公司 private companies,其股票不能由公众买卖。
The shareholders met at their Annual General Meeting at which they appointed a new director and approved the Financial Statements.
Share Capital
一家公司的总股本称为股本shares 。一个公司决定它的股本是什么,股东通过购买公司的股票来投资,资金进入公司的银行账户。
At a Shareholders’ meeting it was decided to increase the share capital of the company from 1000 Ordinary Shares of £1 each, to 25000 Ordinary Shares of £1 each. The shareholders were then able to make a new investment in the company.
股东权益 Shareholders’ Equity
股东权益是指公司属于股东的股份价值总额。实际上,这将代表股本(见36。以上)加上该公司过去所赚取的全部利润(称为留存收益 Retained Earnings)。
At a Shareholders’ meeting it was noted that the Net Profit for the year was $25,000 which was added to the Retained Earnings brought forward from last year of $100,000. Together with the Share Capital of $50,000, this meant that the Shareholders’ Equity amounted to $175,000.
衡平法Equity是一个会计英语专业词汇,具有一般意义的钱的价值,某人收到时,所有其他债务和义务已经支付(结算)。一个很好的例子是: 一个房主偿还抵押贷款后得到多少钱; 一个价值250,000但抵押贷款150,000的房子,剩下100,000的权益
总分类帐 A General Ledger
*The software program that runs the **General Ledger *makes sure that all the accounting records are correct.
t 账户
“ t”帐户是一个公司总帐中对每个帐户的老式称呼。复式记项将确保所有借方(见7。以上)放在“ t”账户的左边,所有贷方都放在右边。它之所以被称为“ t”账户,是因为几百年前复式记账法发明时,总帐上的每一页都有一个“ t”,以便将借方和贷方分开。
Whilst all accounting nowadays is done on a computer, old-fashioned‘T’ Accounts are still used for training purposes, in order to teach students how Double Entry accounting works.
发布条目(帖子)To post an entry (postings)
That customer can’t pay his bill of $260 as he has gone bankrupt (see 29. above), so please post this to Bad Debts (see 29. above) in the General Ledger.
试算表 A Trial Balance
试算表是总帐中所有数字的清单,以借方和贷方格式列出。(见7。和38。以上)。因为复式记帐法(见6。上述)是一个完美的制度,试算表将永远是正确的。会计人员使用会计英语专业词汇“ to Balance”来表示试算表是正确的。
When General Ledgers and Trial Balances were done manually (by hand, in writing) there was always a chance that they wouldn’t balance. But with computers they should always balance.
现金交易 A Cash Transaction
All of our customers make Cash Transactions to pay their bills. Some pay with actual cash and some make bank transfers or pay by credit card. But whichever of these is used, our bill is settled immediately.
A Credit Transaction
All of our customers take at least 30 days to pay, although we tell them that the* credit (transaction)** period we allow is only 15 days.*
有限责任 Limited Liability
如果一家公司的名称后面有会计英语专业词汇“ Limited”一词,那么它就是一家有限公司。这意味着,最多的股东(见35。以上)可以损失的是他们的股本投资。如果公司破产,他们不能失去他们的房子或任何个人资产。以上)。这是因为一个有限公司有有限责任。
*The concept of **Limited Liability *is very good and means that many businesspeople set up their business as a Limited Company because their personal assets are safe.
无限责任 Unlimited Liability
当一家公司成立,但不是成立有限公司时,它将是一个独资商人 Sole Trader (一个人)或一个合伙商人 Partnership(两个或两个以上的人)。如果这类企业破产或进入清算程序(见29。上述) ,那么股东可能会失去他们的个人资产。
His business was a Sole Tradership and he went bust with his liabilities being much bigger than his assets. So it’s possible that he has Unlimited Liability, which means that his house will need to be sold to pay off the creditors (see 19. above).