
今天讲一下Too和Also的区别和用法。Too (tuː) 和also (ɔːlsoʊ) 都是副词,意思是“另外”。区别在于它们在句子中的位置。添加额外信息 – 例如 Jamie bought some milk. He bought some bread too. 或者 Jamie bought some milk. He also bought some bread. 增加强调,例如 Emma can play the guitar. She can play the piano tooOr Emma can play the guitar. She can also play the piano.

Too or Also?

在大多数情况下, “Too ”和“also”的意思相同。无论我们是想用它们来添加附加信息还是强调某些内容,它们之间的主要区别在于它们在句子中的位置。Too 大多数出现在句子的末尾,而also经常出现在主要动词之前:

  • Sally told her daughter to put on suntan lotion. She also told her to wear sunglasses.
  • Sally told her daughter to put on suntan lotion. She told her to wear sunglasses too.

在这两个句子中,我们都使用“ too ”和“also”来为第一个句子添加额外的想法。当我们想要表达强调时,同样的位置规则适用:

  • Ali has a report to finish. He has a lot of meetings too.
  • Ali has a report to finish. He also has a lot of meetings.



我们使用“too ”和“ also”的另一个原因是谈论相似性——通常是为了表明人们有相同的感觉或想做同样的事情。同样,单词位置是相同的:

  • Joan wants an ice cream, and Michael wants one too.
  • Joan wants an ice cream, and Michael also wants one.

在这些情况下, too这个词的位置很简单——它总是放在最后。然而,也有点棘手。我们说过 that也出现在主要动词之前,但有时可能很难决定主要动词是什么!主要动词是句子中的动作,我们把also放在这个动词前面。如果有助动词(我们用来构成时态或语气的额外动词),它就在它后面。以下是正确和错误位置的一些示例:

  • Ed sent you an email. He also sent you a text message. (correct)
  • Ed sent you an email. He sent you also a text message. (incorrect)


  • Scarlet will go to France next month. She will also go to Italy in June. (correct)
  • Scarlet will go to France next month. She also will go to Italy in June. (incorrect) 



  • Bitish English: Rob is tired, and he is also (correct)
  • American English: Rob is tired, and he is hot also(correct)



  • The flood destroyed many farmers’ crops. It also damaged shops and houses.


  • It is necessary to carry out further tests on this product. Also, please inform me when these tests have been completed. 

在书面英语中,我们使用诸如 In addition, moreover, additionally and furthermore ”等短语作为“也”的同义词。这些都出现在句子的开头,后跟一个逗号 – 例如 Furthermore, please inform me when...

Too在英语口语中更常用。这里还值得讨论另一个与“ also”和“ too”类似的副词:“as well ”。当我们想使用Too来添加额外的信息、相似性或强调时,我们可以使用as well。为了让事情变得简单,as well放在句子的末尾(比如too):

  • Jill says she’s thinking about quitting her job too.
  • Jill says she’s thinking about quitting her job as well.

“as well”在英语口语中比在书面语中更常见。

Too 和also 在形容词之前

可以在形容词前使用too和also 。在这些情况下,含义和句子位置可能会有所不同。

正如我们之前所说,我们可以使用“ also ”和“ too ”(以及“as well”)来谈论相似性,以表明人们有相同的感觉或想要做相同的动作。此类句子中常见形容词:

  • Greg was falling asleep in the cinema. Rebecca was also bored of the film.
  • Greg was falling asleep in the cinema. Rebecca was bored of the film too.
  • Greg was falling asleep in the cinema. Rebecca was bored of the film as well.

这些句子中的形容词是无聊的。请注意,我们将“ also”放在形容词之前,但将“ too ”(以及“as well ”)放在句子末尾。

在英语口语中,表达相似性或一致的最常见短语 ‘me too’

  • Speaker A: I like chocolate cake.
  • Speaker B: Me too!


  • too think that we should have more flexible hours. (correct – very formal)
  • also think that we should have more flexible hours. (correct – most common)
  • as well think that we should have more flexible hours. (incorrect)


Only too 也仅此而已

还有另一种情况,我们只在形容词前使用too 。这是当too与另一个副词具有相同含义时:过度- 例如,It’s too hot to go outside,意思与 It’s excessively hot to go outside.相同。当too表示“某物过量或过多”时,它会移动位置——它位于形容词之前:

  • Helen’s son was too excited about Christmas to go to sleep.
  • The house was too expensive for John and Lynn to buy.
  • Rick thought the film was too violent for the children.

我们还可以在带有Many或much 的名词前使用:

  • There was no space to move in the train because there were too many
  • The billionaire thought there was no such thing as too much
  • The employees complained that they had too much work to do.
  • There were too many options for Troy to make a decision.

许多以英语为母语的人也将too (tuː) 与介词to (tuː) 混淆。他们可能会 The exam is to difficult,这应该是The exam is too difficult. 。这可能是因为它们听起来完全相同。然而,我们主要出于以下原因使用to :形成不定式 – 例如 I need to study more 或在目的地之前 – 例如 I am going to the shop.


额外的信息在句尾: We went to the zoo. We ate lunch there too(same for as well)在动作动词前: We went to the zoo. We also ate lunch there.
强调在句尾: I have a horse, and I have five dogs too(same for as well)在动作动词前: I have a horse, and I also have five dogs.
相似在句尾: Brad likes pizza too. (same for as well)在动作动词前:: Brad also likes pizza.
(也同样) 动作动词前在句尾: Dan is interested in the course too. (same for as well)在形容词之前: Dan is also interested in the course.
在形容词或名词之前(多余)在形容词之前: The table is too dirty to eat on.


副词: “除了前面所说的之外”。

同义词:moreover, furthermore, also, as well, additionally.

固定表达:too little too late, too many cooks spoil the broth, go too far, too good to be true.


  • Adverb for emphasis – e.g. Henry has to look after the children, and he has a pile of housework to do too.
  • Adverb to express similarity in feeling or action – e.g. The kids would like to go to the park this weekend too.
  • Adverb to express excess or too much of something – e.g. Don’t put your shoes on! They’re still too

Too 在句子中的示例:

  • If you go to the zoo on Saturday, can you take my kids too?
  • Jane has 7 cats! She’s got 3 dogs too!
  • I love horror films and my wife does too.
  • This bike is too rusty to fix.
  • John got angry and quit his job! He’s gone too far this time.


副词: “除了前面所说的之外”。

同义词:moreover, furthermore, too, as well, additionally.

集合表达式:also known as(AKA)。


  • 表示强调的副词——例如 Henry has to look after the children, and he also has a pile of housework to do.
  • 副词表示感觉或动作的相似性 – 例如he kids would also like to go to the park this weekend.


  • When we went to London, we also visited Cambridge.
  • Jane has 7 cats and she also has 3 dogs!
  • I love going to the gym, but I also love eating chocolate!
  • If you’re watch the Liverpool match on Sunday, I’m also
  • Marshall Mathers is also known as



