


现在完成进行时指的是之前开始但仍在继续的动作 – 例如 I have been playing guitar all morning (and I’m still playing now)。公式为:主语+ has/have + been +现在分词(词根+ing)。我们经常使用latest、recently、all day、for year这种时态。





have been learning English for a few months, but I’m not fluent yet.
have been working more on my listening and writing skills.
My teacher 
has been helping me with my English over the past 6 weeks.



Julie has been swimming competitively since she was 7 years old.
For the past 3 months, Mark 
has been using onlineteachersuk.com to improve his English.
My dad 
has been sailing all his life.

理解现在完成进行时和现在完成时之间的区别很重要。就含义而言,这种差异有时可能非常小。例如比较:I have lived in London, Madrid and Dublin. 和 I have been living in London for 3 months. 。第一个显示过去已完成的动作,但第二个表明该人现在仍然住在伦敦。

在某些情况下,两者可以具有相同的含义 – 例如问:您在这里住了多久?How long have you lived here? A: I have lived here 2 years. 和 Q: How long have you been living here? A: I have been living here 2 years.在这两个例子中,“living”的动作都是从过去开始的,现在仍在继续。



Recently, I have been feeling under the weather (ill).

have been sleeping in and struggling to eat enough.
have been taking some time off work due to this.


我们使用以下公式形成这个时态: 主语+ has/have + ben +现在分词 (动词的根形式 + ing)。


I have been playing the flute for a few months now.
John has been tidying his room more lately.
Susie and Lee have been dating for a year.



肯定‘to play’‘to make’‘to see’
第一人称单数I have been playingI have been makingI have been seeing
第二人称单数You have been playingYou have been makingYou have been seeing
第三人称单数He/she/it has been playingHe/she/it has been makingHe/she/it has been seeing
第一人称复数We have been playingWe have been makingWe have been seeing
第二人称复数You have been playingYou have been makingYou have been seeing
第三人称复数They have been playingThey have been makingThey have been seeing

要形成现在完成进行时的否定功能,请将“not”放在“to have”之后。

Li has not been trying her best with her schoolwork this term.


否定‘to play’‘to make’‘to see’
第一人称单数I have not been playingI have not been makingI have not been seeing
第二人称单数You have not been playingYou have not been makingYou have not been seeing
第三人称单数He/she/it has not been playingHe/she/it has not been makingHe/she/it has not been seeing
第一人称复数We have not been playingWe have not been makingWe have not been seeing
第二人称复数You have not been playingYou have not been makingYou have not been seeing
第三人称复数They have not been playingThey have not been makingThey have not been seeing

要形成现在进行时的疑问(疑问)功能,只需以“to have”的形式翻转主语即可。

肯定:Journalists have been making an effort to validate their sources. 变得令人疑惑:Have journalists been making an effort to validate their sources?


疑问‘to play’‘to make’‘to see’
第一人称单数Have I been playingHave I been makingHave I been seeing
第二人称单数Have you been playingHave you been makingHave you been seeing
第三人称单数Has he/she/it been playingHas he/she/it been makingHas he/she/it been seeing
第一人称复数Have we been playingHave we been makingHave we been seeing
第二人称复数Have you been playingHave you been makingHave you been seeing
第三人称复数Have you been playingHave they been makingHave they been seeing




Andy was very happy this morning when his boss has been promoting him. (不正确)
Andy was very happy this morning when his boss promoted him. (一般过去时 – 正确)

Our netball team has been achieving promotion to the highest league. (不正确)
Our netball team has achieved promotion to the highest league. (现在完成时 – 正确)

延伸阅读:一般过去时: 如何正确使用它(例句)




以下是这两个类别的一些示例:to see, to appear, to want, to seem. 一般来说,现在完成进行时不能与非连续动词或混合动词一起使用。

Our family have been owning this house for 40 years. (不正确)
Our family have owned this house for 40 years. (现在完成时 – 正确)

have been having a cold for a week now. (不正确)
have had a cold for a week now. (现在完成时 – 正确)



have been playing football with my friends right now. Can you pick me up later? (不正确)
am playing football with my friends right now. Can you pick me up later? (正确)

Turn that music down! I have been reading my book. (不正确)
Turn that music down! I am reading my book. (正确)



Finally, my boyfriend had been opening up to me more about his feelings. (不正确)
Finally, my boyfriend has been opening up to me more about his feelings.


使用现在完成进行时时,副词如“only”、“always”、“still”、“never”可以放在“to have”和“been”之间。


My favourite band have been touring for one week only in the UK. (不正确)
My favourite band have only been touring for one week in the UK. (正确)

Despite a cut hand, Dave has been still playing guitar this week. (不正确)
Despite a cut hand, Dave has still been playing guitar this week. (正确)

